Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Here are the "official" minutes of the MCC meeting held this past Sunday to decide the future of the organization. Some of you will already have received them directly from Ann Tyre. This is for the benefit of those not on her list.

Minutes of special Manitoba Crafts Council meeting held on April 23rd, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. at Crossways in Common, 222, Furby Street, at Broadway, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Those attending:

A. Norberg J. K. Sokalska J. Kelly
P. Courtnage D. Krindle R. Mark
G. Roth G. De Neve D. Arbez- Chaput
V. Metcalfe S. Robinson J. Ryan
J. Jennings A. Tyre I. Lincoln
H. De Vries J. Bamford M. Stothers
S. Styrchak C. Loff A. Lacovetsky
K. Koop G. Sylvester M. Pagtakhan

Christine Loff consented to chair the meeting.
Ann Tyre took the minutes.

The group first addressed the criteria suggested by our funders before the meeting that only members take part in this process. The consensus of the participants was that interested non-members be allowed voting rights.

Discussion centred for a time on the current state of finances at MCC. The major people owed are MMP Architects, the Assiniboine Credit Union, D. Turner, then trade payables, consignees, and pay is owed to the staff. While Board members are not individually liable for the line of credit, they are, as Damyele clarified, liable under Manitoba law for the salaries and benefits of the staff. All funding has been received to date. No further monies are expected to be received prior to year – end.

Damyele also clarified that funding from Culture and Heritage is for the development of craftspeople in core training, professional development, widening crafters’ markets. That while the craft sector is an important economic sector within the Province; the $53,900 in 2006/07 funding for the Manitoba Crafts Council is in doubt at this juncture. In addition, the Manitoba Arts Council will not entertain any submission for funding from MCC as we are in no position to fulfil our obligations.

Because of the events that have lead to this meeting, Culture and Heritage will require the Manitoba Crafts Council to provide an audited statement, as will our other funders.

Manitoba Arts Council provides exhibition funding. Funding is not provided for retail space.

Ron Mark pointed out that the Manitoba Crafts Council plays a vital role in the crafts community. In two years it would celebrate its thirtieth anniversary. Next year, 2007 is designated the Year of Craft. In addition, we have invaluable charitable non-profit status, which may be impossible to regain once lost.

He also suggested that efforts be made to change the line of credit into long term debt so that it may be better managed, and that only core activity be undertaken; e.g. bulletin and programs be undertaken in the short term.

Considerable discussion took place over the need for retail space and the viability of operating a retail space. This led to consideration of other avenues for selling artists’ work.

Gaetanne Sylvester asked if it was feasible to set up an MCC web-site, and have catalogues available for those interested in purchasing craft, in lieu of retail space.

Gloria De Neve asked if it was possible to look at what other provinces are doing. It was mentioned that other provinces are also experiencing difficulties.

Judy Jennings suggested a hiatus of about six months would allow other members to take part in planning a future direction for the Crafts Council.

As MCC has substantial debt Ingrid Lincoln felt that there should be no retail space for the present.

Jo’Anne Kelly asked that we should not lose sight of a retail space in future plans – as it serves a twofold purpose, providing income for artists, and educating the public about the vibrant craft sector in Manitoba. She also felt that the current space was not suitable.

Joy Bamford was concerned about the ‘seasoned’ artists who seemed to make up this group. Youthful energy is badly needed to take on the tasks of running the Crafts Council. Gloria pointed out that there has been little or no communication in the past eighteen months, so there was no incentive for people to join the Council. In the past, the camraderie of workshops saw an increase in youthful members.

Marilyn talked about the history of the MCC and how it had grown – that marketing craft was difficult, nevertheless, the profile of MCC grew over time.

Many were concerned about the breakdown in trust - however it was not deemed advantageous to have a forensic audit carried out on the operations of MCC. It was generally felt that it was not constructive to look back; that we needed to address the current situation, and to that end participants voted on the following motions.

1) The legal entity known as the Manitoba Crafts Council will continue.

Moved by Herman De Vries

Seconded by David Krindle
Motion carried unanimously

2) Constitute an interim Board of at least five people today to take us forward and develop
a course of action for the future.
Moved by Jo’Anne Kelly

Seconded by Ron Mark
Motion carried unanimously

Board Members elected:

David Krindle Gaetanne Sylvester
Ingrid Lincoln Ann Tyre
Ron Mark Herman de Vries

This Board will stand for 60 days and its mandate is as follows:
To assess the current situation
Develop a plan to deal with the debt
Develop a feasibility study

Motion to adjourn the meeting
Moved by Joy Bamford

Seconded by ValerieMetcalfe


(Note by Jo'Anne Kelly - Damielle Arbez-Chaput attended on behalf of Cultural Affairs)


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