Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Gaetanne Sylvester from MCC asked that this be disseminated:
The call for a creative genius (or team of them) to develop Canada’s Olympic and Paralympic Games mascots for the Vancouver 2010 Winter Games can be found at:

Bev Morton from the Wayne Arthur Gallery sends this:
Hi all: The next Creative Coffeebreak will be Friday, October 13, starting at 10 AM here at Wayne Arthur Gallery. The gallery will supply coffee, tea, banana loaf and chairs. If anyone else wants to bring something, please do and let me know. Please let me know if you plan to come although you will be forgiven if you can't make it.
Subsequently, Creative Coffeebreaks will be held the third Wednesday evening of the month and the second Friday morning of the month at 10 AM: October 13 November 10 December 8 Wednesday evenings starting at 7 PM: October 18 November 15 December 20. Call 477-5249 186 Provencher Blvd

Under Cover of Darkness - Recent Raku from
Steve Robinson, Monica de Jong, Gloria de Neve, Heather Harder, Gloria Kalen, Sigrid Lyles, Violetta Miramon, Faye Mount, Gina Roth,Carolyn Strutt
will be held at the
Adelaide McDermot Gallery 318 McDermot Ave.
Opening reception Nov. 3rd 7-10 p.m.
November 4 & 5 - 10am to 5 pm (Artists in attendance)
From the Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library
As you know we are holding a Christmas Ornament Sale again this year, on November 25th. In order for the sale to be successful, we rely on donations of hand made ornaments by our members. I have heard from some of the members with respect to what they are donating, but we still need more help with the sale. Please contact me if you intend to make some ornaments for our sale.

We also accept items on consignment, so if you aren’t interested in donating, this is also an option.

Thanks in advance for you support of this fundraising event.

Andrea Reichert

Minutes for the recent MCC general meeting have been made available. Here they are:

General Meeting Manitoba Crafts Council
September 24th 2006

Interim Board
Dave Krindle
Ron Mark
Ann Tyre
Gaetanne Sylvester
Ingrid Lincoln

Members: Damyelle Arbez-Chaput Arts Branch
Lily Rosenberg Alison Norberg Tom Carson T Carson&Associates Ltd
Joy Bamford Amanda Stevenson
Jo Anne Kelly Jan Allen
Susan Styrchak Pat Courtnage Regrets:
Judy Jennings Marilyn Stewart-Stothers
Don Burroughs Kathy Koop
Helen Lyons Marilyn Kraut
Alan Lacovetsky

The meeting was called to order by Interim President, Dave Krindle. He extended welcome and explained the mandate given to the interim board. This was to see if the organization could be kept going and to keep things from falling apart further.

Dave also explained that the assets had been moved to 62 Albert St and were in storage there. This is a temporary solution and a sale of some of the assets was to be planned.

Ann Tyre provided :

Balance Sheet as of July 31,2006
Profit and Loss statement August 2005 to July 2006
List of Creditors

Ann explained that the only expenditures made by the interim board were for Directors` Liability Insurance, interest on the line of credit and bank charges. Ann then reviewed the statements line by line and answered questions.

Interest on the line of credit is approximately 4 to 5 % . The balance of the Credit Union Chequing account shown on the Balance Sheet is made up of an outstanding line of credit of approximately $15000 and outstanding checks.
Due to the fund raiser held in March 2006, employees were paid back wages, but wages are owing to employees for the last pay period. As well vacation pay is owed to the past executive director.
Crafts persons were owed approximately $9000.00 The highest single amount owed was $700.00. These figures could change as some of these amounts date back to 2004 and may have been paid or are no longer owing.

Ann advised the creditors are being patient. Ann also advised that the figures were prior to audit and that the interim board had approved Collins Barrow as the auditors

The situation with the landlord was also discussed and it was reported that the landlord was prepared to accept three months rent .

Questions were asked about liability. Past board members have personal liability for 6 months unpaid wages and vacation pay based on 22 - 24 months . Otherwise contracts were with the corporation.

Ron Mark then explained that the interim board had made a proposal to Cultural and Heritage and requested $25000. He read the letter sent to Culture and Heritage by the Interim Board and invited review of the proposal documents which were available.

He reported that by letter dated August 4 2006, the interim board was advised that $19000 was forth coming. The funds were to be spend on an audit , a membership survey, industry survey, a business plan including debt reduction and fundraising and developing partnerships.

Fifty percent of the funds had been received the balance to be paid when reports delivered.. The tasks were to be completed December 31, 2006.

Ron advised that Herman De Vries had resigned his position on the board as of today. He has agreed to continue as webmaster.

Ron Mark also introduced Tom Carson a consultant proposed by the board.

Gaetanne reported that there were 60+ members for whom she had accurate information and who were receiving regular emails. Her contact list was much larger than this but not as accurate as it should be.(Note: subsequent to the meeting Gaetanne reported 86 current email and a list of 336 names. Her records show that 110 members were paid until 2006 and 38 til 2005. There are 9 honour memberships)

Tom Carson then explained his proposal. He is a past deputy minister of culture and now has a private consulting firm. He explained that his report would entail three pieces.

1.An industry/research survey. This is basically to find out what is the lay of the land in Canada. He hopes to obtain information from other craft organizations with respect to their structures, budgets, and business plans if possible. He will also review the existing survey from 1997, speak with the federal and other key funders and determine the direction of the sector. Organizations mentioned: Canada Council, MAC, Culture and Heritage, Craft Federation, and provincial craft councils. He will continue contact with the interim board and members. He asked any members who had contacts in these organizations to assist him

The key consideration is that the membership survey has meaning. Consultation is important before the membership survey and the survey will be informed by the information out there. It should be a legitimate survey and look at all the alternatives. He will not be doing the membership survey.

2. Develop a report and formulate a business plan. This is to determine what opportunities exist without being pushed into any one road. He has recently provided a report to MAC on synergies and shared resources. This is a world wide trend. It is almost always driven by financial pressures. Examples will be given. There will be no attempt to force a shared resource model.
Business plan for a five year period.

3. Fund raising. This is only an initial look to identify what funds may be available.. It depends on the findings in numbers 1 and 2. There is not enough money for a full fundraising campaign, but there may be enough to find some available funding.

Current thinking that the initial survey has to be like a white paper which allows reflection prior to the membership survey.

Questions and discussion followed:

Jo Ann Kelly The organization started without staff and office. This lasted for about a year. Would like to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Response: Shared resources were more in the areas of legal/accounting/marketing. Depends on what the organization wants to do

Alison Norberg: To her the key was supporting a place for fine craft and visibility of fine craft in Manitoba. In exploring future directions the core mandate should be the visibility and promotion of fine craft in Manitoba.

Pat Courtnage: Past of the organization, its grass roots and where it has been should be examined. Where it has been and how it fits into the future.

Joy Bamford: Expressed concern about the time lines. She wants to see positive action to move forward.

Communication has been a problem in the past and is key. It was hoped to construct a survey that did not look like a survey and was ignored.

The question was then put to those present whether there was resolve to go to the next step. Those present were in favour of accepting the funds and would participate in moving the organization to the next step to determine its future direction and viability. There were no objections to this plan.
Motion 1
Ann Tyre moved that Collins Barrow be engaged to provide the financial audit for the two previous fiscal years ending July 31 2006. Seconded by Joy Bamford. Carried unanimously.

Motion 2
Ron Mark moved that Tom Carson Associates Ltd. be contracted to deliver the consultant reports in accordance with the proposal dated September 11 2006. Seconded by Dave Krindle. Carried unanimously.


Dave called for volunteers for a sale of assets. Those who stepped forward are as follows:
Helen Lyons
Dave Krindle
Allan Lacovetsky
Pat Courtnage
Lily Rosenberg

Ingrid Lincoln that called for volunteers to raise some short term funds specifically for outstanding wages. This is a short term solution and the fund raiser was not to address the larger fund raising issues. Those who stepped forward:
Ann Tyre
Susan Strychack
Judy Jennings

Ingrid also asked for volunteers for the year 2007 year of craft exhibition committee. Separate funding may be available for this. Those that stepped forward:

Alison Norberg
Alan Lacovetsky
Pat Courtnage
Lily Rosenberg

Ann called for volunteers to deal with the records for archives. Those that stepped forward are:
Donn Burroughs
Susan Strycack
Ann Tyre
Joy Bamford -driving
Amanda Stevenson

Pat Courtnage volunteered to replace Herman DeVries on the board.

Motion 3

Alison Norberg moved that the mandate of the interim board`s be extended to December 31,2006 and that the interim board, including Pat Courtnage, have the authority to bring the present surveys and audit to completion and manage the ongoing operation of the organization. Seconded by Judy Jennings .Carried unanimously .

There was no new business

The next meeting date was to be at the call of the board. The members agreed that 30 days notice was not necessary.

Members were encouraged to contact Tom Carson with their input. His email address is

Dave Krindle moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Don Burroughs. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted

Ingrid Lincoln


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