Friday, March 23, 2007


Following are the minutes of the general meeting of the Manitoba Crafts Council held last Sunday as prepared by interim board member Ingrid Lincoln:

General Meeting of Manitoba Crafts Council
March 18, 2007 Crossways in Common 2pm
Broadway at Furby, Winnipeg


Dave Krindle, Ron Marks, Gaëtanne Sylvester. Ann Tyre, Ingrid Lincoln. Pat Courtnage, Tom Carson, DamyPle Arbez-Chaput. Marilyn Stothers, Jo`Anne Kelly, Jan Allen, Annie Thomas, Susan Styrchak, Steve Robinson, Sarah Sanderson, Amanda Stevenson, Aliza Amihude, Joseph Fullmer, Judy Jennings, Gerry Koersuelt, Kathy Koop, Yvonne Lozinski, Lily Rosenberg, Gloria De Neve, Alison Norberg, Bill Shoup, Chris Redd

Dave Krindle called the meeting to order and brought greetings from the interim board. He advised that the interim board had completed its mandate.
1. The audit has been completed
2. Survey was developed and completed
3.Business plan and a consultant report was prepared with the help of Tom Carson

These activities and outcomes were well received by the province and the credit union.
The board feels that the association can go forward. We are receiving further funding from the province and they have accepted that we are an ongoing client. The credit union advised this week that they are changing our debt status, which will be a help in finally reducing it.

Tom Carson was thanked for all his help and input.

Tom Carson had provided a number of pages of information to the meeting. He spoke first about the statement of income and expenses of MCC from 1990 to present. The invoices, expenses and revenue is accurately reflected. It is not clear what was charged against what. Whether the deficit resulted from the activities of Craftspace or the council is not clear at this point and can no longer be determined. In the future allocations will need to be clearer.

A deficit had accumulated over the last nine years. This resulted in institutions being reluctant to advance credit and funders being reluctant to support the organization. The organization now has no credit.

Although an outlet to market and sell work is a reasonable and essential element of what a craft council does, it adds additional risk. It may take a few years before this can be put back into the mix. The present priority is to reduce debt. A retail, for want of a better word, operation adds risk and that risk needs to be planned for.

He next spoke about the business plan. The plan has been accepted internally, the interim board , and externally, funders and financial institutions. MCC will be well served once the debt is dealt with. The plan calls for three years to reduce the debt. It may be accomplished earlier. The province may help if we do not run a deficit for one year.

The business plan is available on the website without the financials.
4 keys to success;

1. Building membership- needs to grow towards 200 as quickly as it can
2. Commitment to competent board governance
Open access
3. Success in fund raising . This needs to be on going and substantial. Need to build a corporate and personal donation program . Tom is willing to help in this area. Need a sub committee of 4-5 people who are in the know in this world. If this is successful, debt can be retired and a cushion developed.

4. Full access to all funding programs. Need a good executive Director for this as it is too onerous for the board to do.

Tom also gave an overview of the consultant`s report. Other elements to consider:

Web development.: The Winnipeg Foundation may help with this. Tom will continue to assist with this

Partnership with other Arts organizations

The chart of average incomes was provided and speaks to the need for a strong Craft council.

The entire consultant`s report is 90 pages. It will be a guide for the executive director and future boards.

The mandate of the Council has to be clear
Board governance is important
Membership size is important
Service to members is important
The education system is a challenge everywhere in Canada
Websites are compared
Revenue Comparison between provinces

DamyPle gave greetings from the province. She thanked the interim board for its work. She indicated that Culture, Heritage and Tourism wanted to support and establish the organization. It must, however, be responsible. Have requested the second grant to end of fiscal year. She will continue to work with the organization

Ron explained the membership survey. The Viewpoints survey questions are available on line and the website survey results have been posted on the website.

Ann Tyre advised that current Financial Statements and the audited Financial Statements were available for review.
She reviewed some of the figures. We are in a surplus situation , but this does not take into account debt reduction.

Break for coffee

Requests were made for help on the board and committees. People are needed for :
1. Year of Craft
2. Juried exhibition
3.Nominating committee
5. Membership campaign
6. Fund raising
8. Marketing

If you are willing to help contact Dave Krindle, Gaetanne Sylvester or any interim board member.
The plan is to add people to the interim board and this new interim board will carry on till September 23, 2007 when a new board will be elected.
Pat spoke about the year of the craft and urged everyone to use this opportunity in their marketing. Ann advised that the Canadian Federation of Craft Councils is interested in any activity undertaken.
Ron reminded everyone that 2008 is the 30th year of MCC`s operation.

Jo`Ann Kelly pointed out that technically there was no membership. She also asked what the priorities would be based on. Gaetanne Sylvester responded that membership structure and fees have been discussed. Tom had just provided input as to fees charged in other jurisdiction. Pat advised that funds for a membership brochure have been requested. The interim board has not started a membership campaign as it was not clear that we would be funded and would survive until the tasks were completed.

Amanda Stevenson wanted to point out that this was an opportunity for members to get in on the ground floor and make known what interested them.
Gloria De Neve pointed out that this was the time to pull people back into the process.

Marilyn Stewart Stothers pointed out that there were two craft exhibits in the works. The Juried exhibit planned by the Manitoba Crafts Museum and Library and a juried travelling exhibit by the Manitoba Arts Network.

Motion was made by Jo’Anne Kelly that the interim board continue its activities till September 23, 2007, with the power to board members to replace members that resign and to add new board members.
Motion seconded by Gloria De Neve
Carried unanimously

The date of the AGM was announced. It will be September 23, 2007
Gaetanne will send out emails. Gaetanne can be contacted by email if you want to volunteer. Ron provided a phone number to Marilyn Stothers for those who don`t have email access.

Meeting adjourned



After my last posting, I received a number of positive e-mails that indicated others share my concerns. This in addition to the comments actually posted on the blog website. People said :

"Fabulous editorial on MCC and CraftSpace. It's unfortunate that this did not come out several years ago prior to the demise of CraftSpace."

"Bravo for your rousing craftspace editorial!"

"It was so welcome to read your clear headed and insightful analysis. I, for one, would not be willing to participate in any way in a resurrected craft council that did not showcase and sell our work. "

Emboldened by these affirmations, I venture to again take pen in hand (metaphorically speaking) and again say my piece.

Reading over the above minutes of the MCC meeting, I would like to make a small correction, since this seems to be the only place to do so. (Minutes of previous meetings have not been presented for correcting any errors or omissions as is usually pro forma).

I was quoted as asking "what the priorities would be based on". This statement needs clarification since what I was referring to (and said so) were the priorities that were listed in Tom Carson's business plan and consultant's report, and my concern is that there needs to be some mechanism in place to ensure that the board (interim and future boards) earnestly tries to carry these out. This report is well researched, balanced and practical and I hope that it is actually used as a blueprint for future plans and actions, and not relegated to a dusty cardboard box, never again to see light of day.

The first priority Tom mentions is Membership growth. As I pointed out at the meeting, there is technically no membership at present, since all former memberships have long since lapsed, and in this regard, as well as others, MCC is starting all over again. And as one other person said at the meeting, trust needs to be regained in order to rebuild membership, let alone increase it from its former numbers. In fact, Tom Carson's report mentions as current threats to the future of the organization the fact that "Members are disgusted with the performance of prior boards." and "A general lack of trust and confidence, while placed on the back-burner for the moment, will easily emerge again."

At the risk of being accused of negativity, I feel it is important for board members present and future to recognize and understand the profound sense of disappointment and disillusionment that has been engendered by events of the recent years of the organization. It will take a lot of doing to overcome the dismay of those consignees who lost $9000. in total for work sold and not paid for. As was pointed out in the survey results, most craftspeople make a meager living at their work, and these losses are a substantial blow.

It is to be hoped that the Phoenix will arise again from these ashes, and full credit should be given to the interim board for all their work in trying to make it happen. It is, and will continue to be, uphill work.

(Sorry I missed this last time, Steve.)


Invitation for an Opening Reception and an Art Exhibit

The G.A.W.M.Y.S. ( .... good art won't match your sofa .... ) Art Exhibit

The Selkirk Community Arts Centre 101-250 Manitoba Ave. Selkirk , Mb. April 3 - April 29 , 2007 ( closed Sunday & Monday ) phone : (204 )482-4359

Opening Reception ~~ Sunday, April 15 1:00 - 4:00 pm.A multi-media exhibit by artists : Kathleen Hamann-Bukoski , Gloria DeNeve , Judith Panson Pancho Puelles , Tom Roberts , Gina Roth , Erika Uustalu-Nicholson


At the cre8ery
Sketch Night
*Life Drawing

From beginner to expert, all are welcome

Every Monday & Thursday
6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
2nd floor – 125 Adelaide St.

Mondays: Mixed Poses (30 sec. – 40 min)
Thursdays: Long Poses (3 hour)

Drop in: $6.00
Students: $4.00 (with a valid student I.D.)

For more info:


Creating 'graffiti art'...
Private classes are now available at the cre8ery!

Learn the how tos of drawing and painting 'graffiti art' with acrylics on canvas. Classes are taught by Amy Middleton in her studio in the exchange
located on the 2nd floor of 125 Adelaide St..

Time: Saturdays, March 31, April 7, April 14, & April 21 at 12-4 pm.

Fee per class:
you have your own supplies?: $40.00
you need Amy to bring supplies for you: $55.00

5 spots are available on a first come first serve basis

For more info:


Hello all MCML members,

I’d like to thank all those who have already scheduled a volunteer shift at the Artisans Market on March 30 and 31. We still need one or two more people for most shifts.

The shifts are:

Friday 12pm – 3pm, 3pm – 5:30pm, and 5:30pm – 8pm. And Saturday 9am-12pm and 12pm - 3pm. Please let me know if you can help.



For more information or to register contact Amy Middleton:


Brandon University’s Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art

Brandon University’s Glen P. Sutherland Gallery of Art is inviting everyone to the last group exhibit of the academic year. “New Students Open House” is an art extravaganza representing ceramics, drawing, painting, artworks, visual design, printmaking, and digital media by new BU students and Assiniboine Community College Web Design students. The exhibit opens Friday, March 23, 2007 at 6:30 pm, running through to April 5, 2007.


Call for Submissions: Winnipeg Folk Festival’s Young Artists Program
Calling young artists aged 14 to 18! The Winnipeg Folk Festival and The Winnipeg Art Gallery are proud to co-present the 3rd annual Young Artists Program for 2007. The program is a “traveling studio” where emerging artists are mentored by professional artists and work together to create art at the Festival.
Creating art outdoors at the Festival will be like no canvas or gallery you have experienced. Develop your artistic skills! Create something that will inspire, engage, question, amuse and influence our audience.
The program runs Monday, July 2 to Friday, July 6, 2007.
Part one features studio sessions and workshops at the WAG Studio.
Part two takes participants out to the Festival to create group installations on site.
Artists of all disciplines are welcome. Find an application form on-line at or call (204) 231-0096 for more information.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Editorial - Why Is Marketing a Dirty Word?

Over a fairly long lifetime, I have watched with some amusement and a great deal of frustration the on-going war between “art” and “craft” and the implied sneer at the making of a piece that members of the unwashed public would actually like to buy.
This attitude was implicit in the recent downward plunge of MCC in its avowed championing of only the “best” art forms – i.e. those that were “significant” enough to cost over $200. (lowly mugs need not apply). And the mad project to crash the SOFA show and set up a marketing program to promote a few insiders, without benefit of jury. In so doing, the organization began the inevitable alienation of many of its members.
Now it is laudable and indeed appropriate that the Council should celebrate fine craft and take on the role of encouraging excellence in craft. But the danger lies in the lack of understanding the esthetics of craft.
A crafted object does not have to be a “big” piece, replete with profound concepts in order to be a statement of art. Much lip service is given to the fallacy that good art doesn’t need marketing – it sells itself. And related to this fallacy is the idea that handcrafted objects are not art. Hence the consignment of such forms to the “Minor Arts” category.
It is possible to meditate upon the artistic merit of the aforementioned lowly mug - its dialogue with space, its characteristics of shape, colour and texture, indeed its very relationship to daily life – how it fits into the holding hand, its promise of comfortable warmth, its attributions that reflect the maker’s creativity, etc.
I know the community well enough – over 30 years of contact with other craftspeople – and three stints on the board of the organization, to realize that what is needed and wanted from the Council is a marketing showcase of our work.
In the past, the excuse to get rid of Craftspace, our marketing gallery and prime showcase, has been that it cost too much. I have looked at financial statements and know that it’s possible to set them up in such a way as to make it look as though Craftspace was costing more than it earned. Particularly if the grants received are listed only as income for the administrative side and not for the whole organization, including Craftspace. These are grants that would not have been received without the high profile in the community that Craftspace gave to the organization.
No other arts organization in the city is expected to break even in terms of the income it receives from its main production. The Manitoba Theatre Centre would fail if it relied on only ticket sales to its theatrical productions. The Symphony, Opera, and Ballet also would founder if relying on income from their performances alone.
Craftspace was our performance. Just as much as a play at MTC or Swan Lake at the Ballet. It brought in quite a lot of income, but was apparently expected to underwrite the whole effort. This expectation does not exist for other arts organizations. Why couldn’t the case have been made for Craftspace as a pre-eminent program, central to the organization?
Instead the poor, beleaguered thing endured insults because work was sold there! Hands were dirtied by the crassness of it all. At the same time the catch 22 conundrum was introduced by claiming that it didn’t show a profit. So it was bad to sell work and it was bad not to sell enough.
I say a lot more education needs to be done at many levels.
- Jo'Anne Kelly
WHO:GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! - The Black Velvet Show?(not just for Elvis anymore)
WHAT:?A showcase of Winnipeg's finest female talent featuring fine art, comedy, theatre, music, dance and more...
WHERE: The Gas Station Theatre - corner of River and Osborne
WHEN: Sunday March 11, 2007Artist's Reception @ 6 PMPerformances @ 7 PM(note: art show runs from Feb 19th - April 5th 2007)
HOW MUCH: $12.00 for members of the Gas Station Theatre$ 20.00 for non-members BUT includes a GST membership in ticket priceReservations can be made by calling 284-9744
WHY: It's the 3rd Annual GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! event!Never before has black velvet been used as a launching pad for such an incredible melange of work.It's a chance to support your favorite female artists and performers!?It's a night out on the town with culture AND laughs!It's a great time to mingle with friends over a complimentary glass of wine and food!BUT MOST OF ALL...It's a once in a life time opportunity to see a topless accordian player with a bottomless cello player!
Winnipeg Girls Night Out
April 25 – 27, 2007
5 p.m. – 10 p.m. nightly
Caboto Centre, 1055 Wilkes (Italian Cultural Center)

Winnipeg Girls Night Out is looking for craftspeople to join with other vendors to sell items at a “girls only” fun night of shopping, complimentary cocktails and doorprizes.

Running April 25 to 27, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 5-10 p.m., the idea is to create an informal and fun evening of shopping and indulgence.

Tickets to the event are general $10 and deluxe $30 (includes a $50 - $60 value “Goody Bag”). We are expecting 200 – 250 shoppers each of the three nights.

Up to 30 spaces are available and vendors will include skin products, fashions, jewellery, salons & spas, candles, perfumes, etc. Although a couple of spots are still available for jewellery we are really interested in other personal use categories such as fashions (hats, sweaters, dresses, etc.), accessories (scarves, handbags, shoes, etc.) and candles, soaps, hand creams, etc.

Booth space is reasonably priced at $300 for all three evenings and includes tables, chairs and electricity. There is also plenty of free parking for everybody.

For more information about participating please call Ron Mark at 982.1836 .

Our web site will be fully functional by the end of March.

Hope to see you there!! --- Ron Mark
MCC Fundraiser

Come enjoy a fun evening of entertainment with friends and fellow members at the Label Gallery!Dance or simply enjoy live music provided by Cruinthe and Look Out Below. Tickets are $10.On Friday, March 9, at 8:00PM MCC has organized a social at theLabel Gallery at 510 Portage Ave. across from the University ofWinnipeg.Tickets can be purchased at the door.

The MCC interim board has completed the membership> survey, the audit and the restructuring business plan for the Craft> Council. We would like to present that information to you and to set> about building for MCC's future. There will be a meeting on March l8> to share our results and ideas with you and to start the process of> getting the craftspeople of the province involved in rebuilding this> organization.> Before the meeting, our survey results, audit and business plan> will be available online for you to look at. Make sure you mark your calendars and plan on attending as thefuture direction of the Council will be discussed. Please visit our web site as the re- structuring business plan and other information will be posted .. Persuade> your colleagues to come to this meeting also. With good involvement> we can develop a council that is thriving and a help to craftspeople> throughout the province and at various stages in their career.> The meeting is at> 2:00 PM Sunday, March 18> Crossways in Common, 222 Furby St @ > Broadway Ave.> > See you there> MCC Interim Board.
This from Nancy Hall:
Just a note to say several of my rugs will be hanging in a group show called Women's Ways at the Portage and District Arts Centre, 11--2nd Street N.E. in Portage la Prairie, from March 6 through to March 30. There is an opening reception on Sunday, March 11 from 2 to 3:30. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

The 6th WAVE Artists Studio Tour
June 9 and 10; and Sept. 1 and 2, 2007
The WAVE is a self-guided tour when artists open their studios to show thepublic their works of art and field questions. This takes place twice ayear. The 2007 dates are June 9 and 10; and Sept. 1 and 2, 10am-6pm. Aunique cultural site, St. Volodymyr Chapel, with its old icons in thebyzantine tradition, located in Ukrainian Park, is added to this year's tourcircuit. Studio and gallery sites are along the beaches of Lake Winnipeg inthe vicinities of Winnipeg Beach and Gimli. Often artists live on formerhomesteads where the shelterbelt is still in tact and at another studio onecan walk down to sandy white beach and take a swim. The Lake Winnipeg Beachand the greater Interlake region have historical and cultural points ofinterest. Fine Art and Fine Craft are the focus. For more info or call 1.204.642.1261


Craft Supply Donations Required
Bring Us Your Craft Supplies
The Winnipeg Folk Festival needs reusable household items for kids to make craftswith in the Festival Family Area this year! * old jewellery* cardboard tubes* Kleenex boxes* film canisters* cardboard egg cartons* colourful fabric or fabric scraps* ribbon* colourful yarn* beads & buttons* white or light-coloured no-pattern bed sheets (for flags)* clean cardboard milk cartons (for bird feeders)The deadline for dropping off your recyclables is April 30. Bring them to the Festivaloffice at 211 Bannatyne Ave., Winnipeg, second floor. If you're not sure what youhave is something we can use, call us first at 231-0096.


cre8ery gallery
Call to Artists of All Disciplines,
Deadline Apr. 6Call for Submissions“Breaking Ground”(cre8ery’s grand opening exhibition)cre8ery gallery is seeking submissions from artists with new, innovative,earth-shattering, mind boggling, interesting and explorative artwork thatchallenges the viewer to think “beyond the box”.Performance, video, paintings, installations, drawings, sculptures, etc. are allwelcome.Submissions should include:1. Artist Statement of Intent2. Artist Biography/C.V3. Photographs, slides, CD, Video, DVD, etc. of proposed artwork4. Dimensions and special instructions of area required/equipment5. SASE (if submission information is to be returned to artist via postal service)Please email, mail, or drop off submissions to:cre8eryattn: Jordan Miller/Shawn Berard2nd floor - 125 Adelaide St.Winnipeg, MBR3A 0W4e: Jordan@cre8ery.comph: 204.510.1623Deadline: April 6, 2007, 6 p.m.current hours: (if we are not open and you submit materials, you may leave it in ourmail box just inside of the building’s entrance)Mon. 6:00 - 9:30 p.m.Tues. 12:30 – 6 p.m.Wed. 12:30 – 6 p.m.Thurs. 12:30 9:30 p.m.Fri. 12:30 – 6 p.m.Exhibition will be in the spring of 2007, specific dates TBA.*Please note that artists accepted into this exhibition will be required to pay a $15.00submission fee. (The application of submission is free!)


Art City & A Label for Artists
The Faces of Our Youth, Done by Our Youth,Opens Mar. 8The Coalition of Community Based Youth Serving Agencies presents...look at meThe Faces Of Our Youth,Done By Our YouthExhibition OpeningThursday, March 8, 20075 - 8 p.m.The Label Gallery510 Main StreetSupported by the United Way and The Winnipeg Foundation.


Art From The Heart The Art of Teaching
Monday, March 5, 7-9 pm at Art City, corner of Broadway and Young StreetAs you know, most artists need to find creative ways to express their vocation and earn some money. Local artist and educator, Karen Cornelius, will be facilitating this workshop on teaching art in the community. She'll be sharing about her wide variety of teaching experiences, letting us know what kind of teaching opportunities are available in the city, and how you can go about applying for these. She'll help us think about how you can develop your own workshop outlines or curriculum based on the art form you practise. Karen is a vibrant and engaging teacher, and we know that all who attend will have a great experience.Refreshments provided.Free.You do not need to sign up ahead of time. BRING A FRIEND!Art City is accessible to wheelchairs.Call Tammy at 774-3794 or email for more info.